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Should GPs prescribe vitamin B compound strong tablets to alcoholics? British Journal of General Practice

Whole grains, milk, eggs, and liver are perhaps the best food sources for B5, or Pantothenic Acid. A lack of vitamin B9 can trigger anemia and make you weak, tired, and moody. Folic acid is in foods like enriched bread, flour, cornmeal, pasta, rice, and breakfast cereals.

This can make it hard to stay away from alcohol while you’re trying to get better. It is important to emphasize that moderate amounts of alcohol consumed occasionally may not have serious impacts, but large amounts and frequent consumption can certainly lead to the aforementioned problems. This can also lead to long-term behavioral issues along with best vitamins for recovering alcoholics amnesia or dementia. Depression is another problem that you might suffer from, particularly if you suffer from addiction. There are several B-vitamins, such as B1, B2, B3 and B12 that can help maintain the hormones and chemicals in our bodies to a certain extent. Anyone who is struggling with a serious drinking problem should seek professional care.

Nutrition Recommendations for Those who Consume Alcohol

Individuals who are in recovery from alcohol abuse can greatly benefit from a healthy diet coupled with a robust vitamin regimen. Replenishing vitamins and nutrients in a body depleted by alcoholism can help boost energy levels and diminish unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, helping greatly with the recovery process. Research suggests certain B vitamins can help treat alcoholic liver disease by alleviating alcohol-induced oxidative stress8. B vitamins can inadvertently improve metabolism by restoring optimal liver function and correcting any thiamine deficiency. There are many other diseases that can be caused by other B vitamin deficiency. For the average person who is eating a well-balanced, healthy diet, supplements of vitamins B and C are often unnecessary.

Promising findings for certain B vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium and zinc. – Psychology Today

Promising findings for certain B vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium and zinc..

Posted: Tue, 29 Jan 2019 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Its other functions include immune enhancement, reduction in cancer incidence, inhibition of tumor invasion and metastasis, and in the form of radiation and chemotherapy treatments in clinical applications [151]. Additionally, low selenium may cause ballooning of hepatocytes [116]. Notably, selenium supplementation may be as effective as antioxidant therapy [153]. Heavy drinking makes it harder for your organs to work the way they’re supposed to, especially your stomach lining, pancreas, intestines, and liver. Loss of appetite is one of the signs of liver diseases like cirrhosis and alcoholic hepatitis. Drinking too much alcohol can impair our cognitive functions to a considerable extent because of low B-vitamin levels.

Vitamins to take for alcohol withdrawal

A U-shaped curve was also reported, in which the risk for type 2 diabetes was lower for small-volume drinkers than for nondrinkers, and the risk increased with increasing alcohol consumption [19]. Evidence for the health benefits of small amounts of alcohol consumption has remained controversial in recent years. All-cause mortality increased with increasing alcohol consumption, and only zero drinks minimized harm to overall health outcomes [20]. Thus, there is no basis for recommending small amounts of alcohol consumption to extend life expectancy, and the most important management of ALD is abstinence from alcohol.

In addition, ensuring adequate magnesium intake through diet or supplements may help reduce the risk of muscle-related issues. Vitamin C also plays a significant role in collagen production, which is depleted after heavy alcohol consumption. Restoring collagen levels can improve the skin, blood vessels, and connective tissues. A lack of vitamin C can deplete bone and muscle strength, leading to chronic fatigue and a lack of energy. In addition, folate deficiencies can cause anemia, wherein the body lacks red blood cells for carrying oxygen to the tissues3. Long-term nutrient deficiency resulting from high alcohol intake can have severe and wide-ranging impacts on a person’s health and bodily functions.

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In addition, the pathogenesis of liver damage, especially cirrhosis, further exacerbates nutritional disorders. Alcohol consumption can lead to obesity, especially when accompanied by excessive fatty food intake and lack of exercise [14]. In recent years, patients with ALD have also shown a high frequency of obesity and overnutrition, and lifestyle-related diseases are known to promote disease progression. Therefore, it is required to take measures to prevent lifestyle-related diseases. In an observational study of Japanese male patients with ALD, obesity was found in 26%, diabetes in 34%, hypertension in 23%, and dyslipidemia in 23% of patients [18].

  • One 2019 study found that a significant portion of individuals with AUD admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) had vitamin C deficiency, with 42% being severely deficient.
  • According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the ethanol in alcoholic beverages disrupts the gastrointestinal system’s absorption of vitamin B (i.e. malabsorption) and can reduce its stores in the liver.
  • Fatty liver is exacerbated by alcohol metabolism, in which FFA β-oxidation in the mitochondria is suppressed.
  • These deficits can cause low energy, skin issues, and oxygen insufficiency, among other health consequences.

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